1. Introduction
2. Design Requirements of Plumbing System for Tall & High Rise Building
3. Selection of Pipe Material & Jointing Method for Plumbing System
4. Zoning Design & System Arrangement for Plumbing System
5. Sustainable Designs for Plumbing System
6. Safety & Reliability Concerns for Plumbing System
7. Internet of Thing (IoT) Application in Plumbing System
8. Query and Sharing Section
This CPD activity is approved by WSD under
Date & Time: 26 August 2022 (Friday), 18:45- 20:45
1. Introduction of Control System, e.g. Open Loop/Closed Loop Control
2. Type of Control System, Control of Tank Water Level, Pump Pressure and System Components.
3. Standard and Materials of Control Panel and Cubicle for Water Pumps
4. Eliminating of Water Hammer by Design of Plumbing Control.
5. Saving of Space for Water Pump System Installation and Saving Cost through design of Plumbing Control System.
6. Type of Control for Sump Pump and Water Level.
7. Resolve Water Hammer in Big Sump Water Pump.
Date & Time:18 March 2022 (Friday), 6:45pm- 9:45pm
Topic: Webinar on (網絡研討會)
In-depth discussion of UPVC pipe (Water supply) and it's materials properties
深入討論 UPVC 供水喉管和其材料特性
Programme Highlight:
Session A
1. Standards and classifications of UPVC pipe (UPVC 管的標準和分類);
2. Important notes for design and installation (設計和安裝的重要注意事項);
3. Plumbing characteristics of UPVC pipe (UPVC管的特點);
4. Ways to identify root cause about pipe burst (UPVC 管問題根源的尋找方法);
5. Review on a court case relating to UPVC pipe (UPVC管道爆裂相關的法庭案例研究審查);
6. Preparation work for Court Case (法庭案件的準備工作).
Session B
1. History of polyvinyl chloride (聚氯乙烯的歷史);
2. Introduction of Polyvinyl chloride (聚氯乙烯的介紹);
3. Materials properties of UPVC (UPVC 材料的材料特性);
4. Manufacturing Process of UPVC Pipe (UPVC 喉管製造過程);
5. Construction and Quality Precaution (關於UPVC喉管安裝及質量注意事項);
6. Environment Impact of polyvinyl chloride (聚氯乙烯對環境的影響).
Mr William K.H. CHEUNG (Guest Speaker)
張錦雄先生 (嘉賓講師) - 張先生在2018年退休之前,曾擔任WSP顧問工程公司的技術總監。WSP顧問工程公司是一家著名的國際顧問公司,曾負責給水、排水和液壓系統。
Ir Anlam C L TAM - Vice Chairman of HKIPD
譚子霖工程師 - HC(EL) & EC part 2, BSc(Hons)AP, MSc(MAT, ENY, ENV), P&D Superintendent, MHKIE, MIET, MInstP, MHKIPD, MHKICA, BEAM Pro(NB, EB, BI), Registered Electrical Worker (C0, H0), CWR(Refrigeration & Air-conditioning), Certified Carbon Auditor, Registered RCx Practitioner, QP(Water Safety Plan)
Registration at