Title: Water Reclaim Systems – Application, Project Planning and WSD Regulations Compliance
Speaker | Ir. Ben K.C. Yuen (Technical Director, WSP; Technical Advisor of HKIPD) |
Date | 17th May 2018 (Thursday); |
Time | 19:00 to 21:30 pm (please be punctual); 18:30 pm registration will start |
Venue | Theatre 1, 1/F HKPC Building. 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Fee | Members HK$150 each; Non Members HK$200 each Seats (100 Nos.) are limited, please register ASAP. 座位有限(100座位), 先到先得。 請早郵寄支票訂位。 |
Course Brief | Water is one of the most valuable, limited and non-reproducible resources on Earth, every building, every development and every people are consuming water daily; in this seminar, to provide introduction for members, Licensed Plumber (LP) and all professional in the industry on how can those consumed water be reclaimed and re-cycle for other usage instead of simply going into the sewage network and system. Besides, introduce the background on how plumbing system can be planned in a project to save water and incorporate such kind of reclaim system in a practical way. |
CPD Seminar Circular 18y0517 R0.pdf
Title: Practical Swimming Pool Design for Authority Compliance and its Water Quality
Date | 17th March 2018 (Saturady); |
Time | 14:00 to 17:00 pm (please be punctual); 13:35 pm registration will start |
Venue | Theatre 1, 1/F HKPC Building. 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong |
Fee | Members HK$100 each; Non Members HK$200 each Seats (65 Nos.) are limited, please register ASAP. 座位有限(65座位), 先到先得。 請早郵寄支票訂位。基於座位有限, 故此本會會員及持牌水喉匠將獲優先。 |
Download: CPD Seminar Circular 18y0317.pdf
本會謹訂於2017年11月25-26日(星期六、日)舉辦秋季旅行《秋季美食二天團》,有關行程簡介及報名辦法請參閱以下附件: -
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